Based in Swansea, Subterrania are one of the most exciting bands emerging in Wales right now.

Forming in late 2022, the 4-piece who consist of Dylan Cai (vocals); Fin Roach (guitar); Jamie Tooze (bass) and Luis Hancock (drums) have rehearsed relentlessly and released two singles to date in  ‘Benidorm’ and ‘Shine’  which have  racked up 27k Spotify streams, played the famous Dublin Castle; supported Rosellas, Marseille and Vivas, finished at number 2 in the FutureHits Radio, song of the year poll (voted by the listeners) and tipped as a This Feeling Big in 2024 artist.

The new single, Knows Me Too Well is set for release on Friday 31st May, and was written by the band and was Recorded, Mixed and Produced at The Bunkhouse Live Music Venue and at drummer Luis Hancock’s Music Room, and really embodies the DIY ethos within the band.

The first thing to say about Knows Me To Well is that it is simply a stunning track. It’s the sound of a band full of confidence and intent on single handily bringing back the Shoegazing and baggy scenes of the early 90s.

You are instantly hit with a hypnotic and groovy guitar riff that the song is built around and groove laden drumming provides the song with an upbeat, anthemic and very catchy vibe.

The vocal from frontman Dylan Cai is fantastic, almost angelic in places and it reminds me of Pastel frontman Jack Yates, as do the instrumentals, which is no bad thing in my view.

“Writing ‘Knows Me Too Well’ in collaboration with the rest of the band, came from a shared sentiment all of us in Subterrania have experienced at some stage. We wanted the track to resonate with the challenges encountered by so many performers, and to reflect on moments where our openness and trust in and outside of the music scene could have been abused”

Subterrania May 2024

However, don’t be fooled into thinking that Subterrania are a copy cat band.

There’s waves of distorted shoegaze guitar textures, exhilarating driving drums and soulful bass lines which mixed together provide glorious chiming melodies, rambunctious rhythms and plenty of swagger.

📸 Jon James Photography

The chorus is a real powerhouse and will instantly have you singing along at the top of your voice. It’s ready made for festivals and arenas that are surely where the 4-piece are heading.

“The track is like a reminder of how our relationships with friends, family, and ourselves are constantly under a magnifying glass with our hands often being the ones to hold it. It’s a reflection of the myriad challenges humans face on a daily basis and shines an unpolished light on self doubt, anxiety and uncertainty for the future; where making a muse even out of the bad stuff is the smartest way forward”.

Subterrania May 2024

Knows Me Too Well is a compelling declaration of Subterrannia’s ambition for the year ahead. The song’s layers of shoegazing guitars and hypnotic rhythms are both anthemic and effortlessly cool.

Remember the name as Subterrania are a band well and truly on the rise.

Knows Me Too Well is released on Friday 25th May and is available to pre-save here.

Knows Me To Well will be getting its exclusive first play on the Rise Of The Indie Artists on Thursday 23rd May. Listen in on Future Hits.

Subterrania were guests on episode 88 of the ThisIsTheMusic meets podcast. Listen on Spotify, or watch on You Tube.

Subterrania Socials


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