Xlerator Box Of Trash

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Box Of Trash set to release new single Xlerator

Having initially started as a side project between Lyle Kennedy (Vocals/ Song Writer) and Barry Chesterfield (Lead Guitar/ Song Writer), in 2021, Box Of Trash quickly established themselves as one of Scotland’s most exciting emerging bands. To date they’ve released their debut album Candlewood 230, signed with Chicago based record label Third Fire Records, supported Jon McClure of Reverend and the Makers and Matilda Shakes. Completing the bands line up is Jason Jess (bass) James Hendry (drums) and Louis Chesters (guitar).

Xlerator was in essence the birth of Box Of Trash as it was the first song that Lyle and Barry jammed together, with both sharing songwriting duties, with Barry coming up with the irresistible guitar riff. The inspiration behind the songs title? It was the name of the hand dryer in a toilet that frontman Lyle saw on a night out. The subsequent photo forms the artwork for the release.

The track starts off with a heavy guitar riff and intricate bass riffs, before a pounding and driving drum beat kicks in, ensuring the track is packed with raw energy underpinned by the punchy and heavy, fuzzy guitar riff.

The track sweeps along at a decent pace, before leading you into this huge singalong chorus and the distorted guitar riffs adding to the heaviness of the sound.

Lyle’s vocal sounds fantastic and shines brightly against the heavy soundscape produced by the instrumentals.

There’s a shift in the songs tempo, around the 2 1/2 minute mark, just allows you to draw breath, before it explodes back into those captivating hooks and singalong chorus. The band clearly enjoyed it as they’ve included it in the outro, before building into a stunning crescendo.

Xlerator is an exciting track and sees Box Of Track invite listeners to really rock out and leave you awestruck at the level of creativity on display. This track will captivate audiences and underline exactly why Box Office Trash are one of the most exciting emerging artists in Scotland.

Xlerator is released on Friday 14th June and can be pre-saved here.

Xlerator was played exclusively on the Rise Of The Indie Artists show on May 2nd. Listen again here.


28.06.24 Glasgow Broadcast (This Feeling)

17.08.24 Sneaky Petes, Edinburgh (supporting The Denabys)

30.08.24 Nice N Sleazy, Glasgow (supporting The Sway)

26.10.24 McChuills Glasgow (supporting Holy Coves)

Box Of Trash Socials


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